Digital Signatures

For a variety of reasons, I sign all (well almost all) my outgoing mail messages with a digital signature. You can verify that the message was really sent by me by explicitly checking the message against my public key. Many mailers can be configured to do this verification for you. I use mutt as my mail reader and it assists me in signing mail as well as verifying signatures when they are attached as part of a mail message.

Digital signatures can also be used to encrypt messages so that only particular people can read them. I use the intendend recipient's public key to encrpyt the message. Only the person with the corresponding private key can decrypt and interpret the message. Hopefully the private key is only in the hands of the recipient I intended.

And just as I can sign email messages, I can also sign files to allow readers to verify those files did actually come from me. I can either encode the signature within the file, or more conveniently, I can provide both the file and the signature separately and the reader can verify the document came from me by using the two.

Digital Signature Software

If you want to use digital signatures, either to sign digital/electronic content or to verify the origin of content you receive, you need digital signature software.
GNU Privacy Guard
This is also known simply as GPG, and is the software I use This is an Open Source system that works on all the operating systems I need it for.
Pretty Good Privacy
This is very similarly , but confusingly different, named system. There are Open Source and freeware versions of this as well as commercial implementations with support.

MD5 Sums

When downloading files, it is always good to verify that they have not been corrupted or, more importantly, replaced by files with malicious contents. When the author "publishes" a file, they can also provide MD5 sum along with it. The MD5sum is basically a hash generated from the contents of the specific file (i.e. the number and order of its bytes). If somebody modifies the original file, it is virtually impossible to do so in a way that leaves the MD5sum the same. So this allows us to test whether the current file corresponds to the MD5sum of the original.

The MD5sum is both created and checked by the publisher and recipient with the same tool - md5sum.
Publisher Recipient
md5sum file md5sum -c file

Duncan Temple Lang <>
Last modified: Sun Jul 18 10:28:18 PDT 2004