function createSpaghettiPlot(y,t) This function creates a ``Spaghetti'' plot from functional data that are given in cell array form. Input y: 1*n cell array, y{i} is the vector of measurements for the ith subject, i=1,...,n. t: 1*n cell array, t{i} is the vector of time points for the ith subject, at which corresponding measurements y{i} are taken, i=1,...,n. Example: createSpaghettiPlot(y,t); %Plot the original data, where y contains the responses and t contains the corresponding time points yy = FPCA(y,t); y_predOrig = getVal(yy, 'y_predOrig'); createSpaghettiPlot(y_predOrig,t); %Plot the predicted functions as obtained from the PACE fitting procedure % Plot the first 20 subjects from the original data and the fitted functions for direct comparison subplot(1,2,1); createSpaghettiPlot(y(1:20),t(1:20)); subplot(1,2,2); createSpaghettiPlot(y_predOrig(1:20),t(1:20)); See also PCA