function [ypred, xi_new, xi_var] = FPCApred(yy, newy, newt, regular) This function performs prediction for new y and newt based on the returned fits from FPCA(). Unlike FPCAeval, which is for the currently included subjects only, FPCApred works for both new and currently included subjects. Input yy: an object that is returned by FPCA(). Input newy: 1*m cell array of new measurements for new subjects Input newt: 1*m cell array of new time points for new subjects if all new subjects are evaluated at the same time, newt can be a row vector of time points for one subject Input regular: 0,1,2 (see PCA() for more details), if in doubts, set regular = 0 if not specified, then, the program uses the same 'regular' as specified in 'p'. Output ypred: 1*m predicted measurements for new subjects Output xi_new: m x K matrix of new estimated FPC scores Output xi_var: K*K matrix, Var(PC score)-Var(estimated PC score). The omega matrix in equation (7) of the paper, which is used to construct the point-wise C.I. for X_i(t) example: p = setOptions(); yy = FPCA(y,t,p); newy = {[1 2 3],4, [9 10]}; newt = {[0.1 0.5 0.8], 1.1, [0.5 0.9]}; [ypred, xi_new,xi_var] = FPCApred(yy,newy,newt); %use 'regular' defined in p see also FPCA, FPCAeval